Helio Aircraft Company
Helio Aircraft Company will re-introduce into production
two modernized lines of proven special-purpose short take off and landing
(STOL) aircraft that were originally introduced in the 1950’s. The
initial product line will consist of two models, the Helio Courier, a
single engine STOL aircraft, and the Helio Stallion, a turboprop STOL
aircraft. The Company intends to manufacture, market and sell the
modernized versions of these special purpose utility aircraft to general,
commercial and military aviation customers worldwide.
History of the Company
The Helio Aircraft Corporation began the manufacture
of Short (Field) Take Off and Landing (STOL) aircraft in the early
1950's, following extensive experimental work that began in the late
1940's and a series of flight tests in 1948.The fundamental
concept underlying the development of what became the Helio Courier was a
desire to develop a very safe STOL airplane that was highly
at slow airspeeds. The element of controllability at low airspeeds was the
primary objective of the founders of Helio Aircraft Corporation, a concept
that they called C/STOL (Controlled Short Take Off and Landing). Alliance
Aircraft Group, LLC was created by the principals of Helio Enterprises,
Inc. in early 1997. Helio Enterprises, Inc. is a corporation formed in
1992 for the purposes of acquiring the assets of the former Helio Aircraft
Company. This acquisition included the FAA type certificates for the Helio Courier,
Helio Twin Courier and Helio Stallion aircraft, the Supplemental Type
Certificate used to convert the landing gear on the Courier to
tricycle gear, and all related tooling and jigs, drawings, engineering
data and production documentation. Although the group made
significant progress in realizing their developmental goals, the death of
one of the principals of the group required the remaining members
to reconsider the future of the project in light of their individual
obligations to other business interests. The project was put on hold
temporarily, but we are currently working on a plan to put the Helio
aircraft back into production under a new corporation, Helio Aircraft